Donating Groceries
Don't second guess your food donation. If you like it, we probably have a patron that likes it too. As long as the product is within 60 days of its expiration date and unopened, we appreciate the donation! The next time you buy your favorite foods simply buy two - one for you and one for the Food Pantry.
Donating can be easy and fun. Make it a game with your kids. Let each child pick out one thing to donate the next time you are grocery shopping. As you leave, simply leave it in the donation bin on the way out. Buying one can of soup each shopping trip may not seem like much to you, but to a family in need, it's life-giving.
Other ideas for helping us stock our shelves:
- Take advantage of “buy two” specials. Keep one for yourself and give the other to the pantry.
- If you shop at Costco, Sam’s, or even your local grocery store, purchase the family-size package or the multi-pack. Keep one for yourself and give the other to the pantry!
While this is just the starting point, we hope it will help you the next time you want to donate to the Food Pantry. Thank you!
Donating Money
We are sincerely grateful for all donations to our Food Pantry. Without the generosity of our community, we would not be able to offer services to our patrons. The Sauk Prairie Food Pantry is a 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation. All monetary donations are tax-deductible.
An Easy Smile 🙂
We're on Amazon Smile! Simply choose Sauk Prairie Food Pantry as your charity organization and we receive donations while you shop. Easy!