As kids start the 2017-2018 school year, the Sauk Prairie Food Pantry opens its new Pantry Annex at the High School. Students can access the Pantry Annex quickly and conveniently right after school ends. This will help High School students and their families obtain needed food resources.
High School is a busy time for students – along with a lot of growth. The school district provides breakfast and lunch through their free and reduced program but that still leaves many students hungry after school and on weekends. Working families may not qualify for benefits but be within a range of income that is insufficient for all expenses.
Teens become more susceptible to food insecurities as their independence and activities increase and parents are not home as much due to work schedules. The goal of the new Annex is to give teens the ability to help themselves (and their families) with easier and more comfortable access to food resources. The High School is a known, safe space for students and they do not need to find transportation to another location
The Food Pantry Annex is located in a small room off one of the High School classrooms. The room was chosen to provide students with a sense of privacy but also for ease of access. The High School currently staffs the room approximately two afternoons a week for a half-hour after school ends.
Please visit the Sauk Prairie Eagle Newspaper to read their article on our Food Pantry Annex.
*Update Fall 2024*
We now have an annex in each of Sauk Prairie District’s schools. The High School, Tower Rock, Middle School, and Bridges Elementary have take-home food available to families. The remaining district schools have snacks, in addition to Go Fresh, available for students to have during the school day.
The food made available to these annex pantries comes mostly from our pantry, which has been donated and purchased.